Friday, January 24, 2020

Alice Paul Essay -- essays research papers

Alice Paul was born on January 11,1885, in Moorestown, New Jersey. Her father, who died when Alice was sixteen, was a businessman, banker, and property owner. The Pauls lived in the small Quaker community of Moorestown. One of the beliefs of the Quakers was equality of the sexes. As a young girl, Alice attended the Quaker suffrage meetings with her mother. Alice Pauls' father left them enough money so she could attend the exclusive Swarthmore College in Pennsylvania. She graduated in 1905 as a biology major, but after discovering politics in her senior year, she went on to attend the New York School of Philanthropy. She majored in sociology, and spent all of her spare time working for the woman suffrage in New York. In 1907, Paul earned a master's degree in sociolgy. She went to England to continue her work toward her doctorate degree. She was begin- ning to realize that she couldn't change the situation by social work alone, but needed to change the actual laws. Women had no voice in either England or America to change any law. The suffrage movement was different in England than in the States. British suffragists had begun wild women protests in 1905. They would sneak into male political meetings, and disrupt the meetings by shouting questions, wave banners and be arrested. As Alice Paul became more involved with the Women's Social and Political Union, she was warned of possible imprisonment. This threat did not prevent her from sneaking into political events. She was arrested ten times in England, three of which ended in prison time. While in prison, she continued to protest the government's refusal to let women vote or speak publicly, by not eating. She was force-fed for four weeks. She returned to America in 1910, where she continued her studies and her suffrage work. She brought back from England with her the same tactics used to get the attention of the newspapers and the government. She brought the wild suffragette movement back to the United States. She teamed up with Lucy Burns, who she spent prison time with in England. They went ... ...egan urging members of the House and Senate to vote for the nineteenth amendment, but kept losing. Then in October 1918, he pleaded for woman suffrage as part of the war effort. The amendment was passed in 1920, giving women the rights of citizens, including the right to vote. She did not stop there. In 1922, she received her Law degree and in 1928 formed the World Party for Equal Rights for Women. Pauls equal rights amendment was "Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex." Living in Switzerland, she encouraged an Equal Rights Treaty and a World code of Law. Equality was then written into the United Nations Charter. Paul fought for equal rights the rest of her life, nationaly and internationally. In1977, at the age of 93, she died in her childhood town of Moorestown. Alice Paul was a remarkable, unstop- pable feminist and social reformer, who paved the road we now walk.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Computers Are an Important Part of Most People’s Everyday Lives Essay

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Nowadays, computers are an important part of most people’s everyday lives. This change has improved the way people live. By advances in the technology, especially invention of computers, human beings can do their works much easier than the past. They have improved the way of our lives (life) dramatically. The number of advantages that computers can bring us is very much so that its disadvantages can be ignored (Advantages of using computers are so much that disadvantages could be ignored). Cases such as save (saving) time or facilitate (facilitating) job and affairs and improve(ing) our communications are my reasons which will be illustrated in details as following. To begin with, by using of computers we can save the time (more time). In todays’ community, it is told that time is money. With the huge advancements in technology, people’s life has more (become) complicated as it seems. Each of us hasn’t enough time to do all works on time (No one has enough time to do everything on time). The advent of computers in our lives(life), we can save time and do a big part of works more efficiently. For example, instead of going to shop and buying cloths, I (you) can buy it from my home by going to its website and even I (you) have this chance to see which cloth is the top-selling. (or) As an another example, I(you) can choose my (you) favorite five-star restaurant or hotel a couple of weeks before my(your) trip to a certain place. hat shows that I can better manage my affairs(It shows that people can better manage their life and schedule everything). The last example is that I even can control my home or personal room by using of my workplace’s computer (The last example is that home or personal room can be controlled or and monitored by using of a computer in workplace). These examples show computers have revolutionized our lifestyle. The last but not the least, computers improved our social behaviors. For the very first time in the history, Social networks and websites have given this opportunity to people to find friends and know people they never met before. Nowadays, there are a few internet-organizations by which we can find our future wife. It shows that computers even affect our lives (life) emotionally. To take these into consideration, I can confidently draw the conclusion that there are a lot of advantages which computers donate us such as finding new friends or saving the valuable time so that its drawbacks can be ignored.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Cyber Bullying Bullying And Bullying - 1290 Words

Shunnar Saleh Ms. Slyder and Mr. Salyards Modern Literature 5 May 2014 Bullying Bullying is like a disease, it stays within the schools, and community and people are trying to stop it. It destroys the victims that get bullied. Bullying has always been around and there are people trying to prevent it from happening. Bullying is being prevented by clubs and by people taking action. Bullying damages the victims and the computers can cause cyber-bullying also the victims have problems after being bullied. Cyber bullying and it keeps people hooked on computer. Ways of getting to social network for cyber-bullying. Targets of cyber bullying can experience emotional distress, anger frustration, embarrassment, sadness, fear, and depression. Cyber bullying is the use of the internet cellphones, and other electronic communication devices to spread harmful or embarrassing information about another person. Cyber bullying can be information on text and pictures and even videos. Internet safety organizations make distinction between cyber bullying and cyber harassment (â€Å"Cyber-bullying†). Cyber-bullying is usually carried out as anonymous to the victims because computer users can easily create aliases that hide their true identity (â€Å"Bullying†). The long-term impact of cyber-bullying is greater than with traditional bullying. Digital images, cell phones, and other electronic means can greatly increase the speed of the bully’s messages (Meech). Cyber bullying is bully ing amongst peers byShow MoreRelatedBullying And The Cyber Bullying Essay1010 Words   |  5 PagesIDENTIFICATION PROBLEM STATEMENT BACKGROUND Cyber bullying refers to something when one uses their cell phone, computers or an electronic device to access internet and technology for the purpose of harassment and providing harms to others. Sending inappropriate messages, uploading disturbing images, threatening and posting something without someone’s’ approval are the forms of cyber bullying. The main aim of this research study is to look after the cyber bullying and the possible reasons of occurrenceRead MoreBullying Evolution : Cyber Bullying1870 Words   |  8 Pages Bullying Evolution: Cyber-bullying 1858 Words 8 Pages At some point during your childhood, you may have encountered that troubled individual, typically known as the â€Å"bully† that drove fear in the hearts of the weakest link by humiliating them, taking what is rightfully theirs, constantly picking on them and sometimes even inflicting physical abuse. Well I hate to break it to you but this individual is back and is more equipped than before, preying on the weak and vulnerable in the cyber world (internet)Read More Bullying Evolution: Cyber-bullying Essay1869 Words   |  8 Pagestheirs, constantly picking on them and sometimes even inflicting physical abuse. Well I hate to break it to you but this individual is back and is more equipped than before, preying on the weak and vulnerable in the cyber world (internet). Most recently, it took a crime wave of â€Å"cyber bullying† before our media and leaders in the Untied States gave it attention; now that the American people realize that the â€Å"classroom bully† ha s evolved into a more dangerously clever and sinister inflictor of emotionalRead MoreBullying Vs Cyber Bullying Essay2021 Words   |  9 PagesBullying is a major problem that impacts many teens over generations, causing an endless cycle of bullying. With the new age of technology, this leads to new issues that are affecting teens’ lives. One of these issues is that cyberbullying is quickly becoming more common than the traditional playground bullying, as more social media are appealing to teens. Cyberbullying is a type of bullying that happens using electronic devices such as phones, laptops, and tablets. This form of bullying includesRead MoreCyber Bullying And Its Effects1411 Words   |  6 PagesStudies indicate that cyber-bullying incidents have quadrupled in past five years (Ross). Cyber-bullying has become a huge issue recently. Every time you turn on the news there is another bullying, or a suicide related to bullying, incident being reported. â€Å"Love is louderà ¢â‚¬  has been a common phrase among celebrities and influential figures lately. They are trying to send out a message to their followers saying that bullying is not right and should not be tolerated. The expansion of communication technologiesRead MoreThe Problem of Cyber Bullying1323 Words   |  6 Pages(â€Å"An Old Problem with a New Face†). Since the rapid growth of technology, cyber bullying has become life-threatening for too many teenagers. Now that teenagers have phones and technology almost twenty-four hours a day, they are putting themselves at a greater risk of being cyber bullied. Cyber bullying is different from regular, old-school bullying; cyber bullying is using the internet to ruin the life of other teenagers. â€Å"Cyber bulling is when a teenager is tormented, threatened, harassed, humiliatedRead MoreIs It Serious? Cyber Bullying? Essay1175 Words   |  5 PagesTopic: Cyberbulling is Very Serious Cyber bullying by definition is the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature. This occurs mainly among young people ages between 13- 18. Base on my research I found out in the past decade, there have been multiple cyberbullying cases that ended with the victims taking their own lives. I believe there is more we can do to help with this issue. There is information out there that isRead MoreCyber Bullying And Its Effects1411 Words   |  6 PagesStudies indicate that cyber-bullying incidents have quadrupled in past five years (Ross). Cyber-bullying has become a huge issue recently. Every time you turn on the news there is another bullying, or a suicide related to bullying, incident being reported. â€Å"Love is louder† has been a common phrase among celebrities and influential figures lately. They are trying to send out a message to their followers saying that bullying is not right and should not b e tolerated. The expansion of communication technologiesRead MoreThe Issues Of Cyber Bullying946 Words   |  4 Pages Coastal Carolina University The Issues of Cyber-bullying Alyssa Staub CSCI 101 – D1 Professor Matthews October 23, 2017 â€Æ' Cyber bullying has been a topic for scholarly inquiry, political debate, and policy reform since the commercialization of the Internet. Pre-internet bullying involved socially marginalized children and teenagers picking on their friends and other marginalized children at school. Traditional discipline included detentions, phone calls to their parentsRead More Cyber Bullying Essay1447 Words   |  6 PagesHalligan kill[ed] himself after months of harassment, including instant messages calling him gay† (Billitteri.) Cyber bullying is much more dangerous than traditional bullying, and should be punished with much stricter guide lines, not just within schools but within criminal courts as well. Traditional bullying was done on school grounds, at the bus stop, or walking home, but today cyber bullies leave teens vulnerable to the abuse with no place to seek refuge. â€Å"Its a non-stop type of harassment